3 ways to get more out of your to do list

I love my to do list. I take it with me everywhere. I’m old school and love keeping my to do list on a pad of paper. The Intention Tracker is the one that I’m using now. However, if you’re interested in going green, I also recommend Wunderlist as you can make lists and add details within each item. 

To do lists are amazing because they keep you organized when you have a million competing assignments. You’d be surprised how many people I see not using to do lists at work. For me they’re a no-brainer. While they seem like a basic idea, here are some simple tips on how to get the most out of your to do list. 

1. Use one to do list for everything. This way you’re not running around trying to find bits of paper that you’ve scribbled on. (However, I keep my work and personal life to do lists separate). 

2. Bring your to do list to your meetings (and everywhere). Assignments pop up all the time—in a meeting your boss asks you to put together a report, or in the hall you pass a colleague who asks you to forward her a document. Keeping it handy will reduce the times you may forget an assignment. I’ve noticed, over the years, that staff members who bring their to do lists to meetings are much better at executing their tasks that get assigned during the meeting. For those who show up empty handed, I’m always wondering what they are retaining. 

3. Add a separate section for “Pending Response.” This section is for items for which you are waiting on someone else to deliver before you can do your next part. For example, I have a report to write but need clarification about one of the questions. I send an email seeking clarity. While I wait for the response, I move the report to the “Pending Response” part of my to do list. This way, it keeps the items that need my immediate action decluttered, but I don’t lose track of the report. This becomes especially important if you’re waiting for a response from someone and they take forever to get back you. Without writing this down, you may forget about the report while you are waiting for that response. 

Do you keep a to do list? How do you organize it? Share with us below!

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