Growing into Power

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The best way to get out of your career funk

Not sure what’s coming next in your career? Feeling like you’re in a bit of a work-related funk? Looking for some fresh inspiration? 

Start saying, “Yes!”

To everything (or most things). 

An invitation to attend a lecture on something that sounds sort of interesting? RSVP “Yes”. 

An offer to have coffee with an old colleague you ran into? Follow up and make it happen! 

A request for you to review a friend’s concept for her new project. Do it. 

An unusual ask at work to be a part of a project that has a lot of visibility or is with a team of colleagues you don’t normally work with? Accept the challenge.

Inspiration is not going to come if you sit by doing the same old thing day after day. You have to change it up. Start saying yes when people ask you to do something and see what happens. You’ll meet new people. You may learn something. You may discover a new part of your city that you didn’t know about. Saying, “yes” is going get things moving your life. Even if it’s not clear how the invitation is directly related where you’re going next—if you’re somewhat lost about where you’re going next you don’t have much to lose. 

Opportunity comes to those who are open to it. And what better way to tell the universe that you’re open then accepting what comes your way.