Sweet ways to appreciate your team



A few years ago I worked for a company that had a great employee appreciation program. If you wanted to recognize or give kudos to a coworker, a staff member, or a boss, you just sent an email to an administrative address explaining why you wanted to send kudos to that person. In a sentence or two you could explain how this person went above and beyond in their duties, or in the way they showed up for you at work.

Within a week, the other person would receive an email from the CEO, with a cc to you and her boss, thanking her for being a rockstar. And then an actual Kudos bar would show up at her desk! It may sound silly but this system was amazing! If you wanted to meaningfully recognize someone it only took a few minutes to send that email and then the CEO and that person’s boss would know about her awesomeness. And she would get a cute treat, too. People actually used this. It cost the company very little, both in staff time and in bulk Kudos bar orders. 

Unfortunately, Kudos bars are no longer sold in most places. However, I did some research and brainstorming of my own so that you can still create a clever and cheap candy-themed staff appreciation program at your office. 

  • Mounds of thanks (Mounds)
  • You’re one in a melon (watermelon sour candy)
  • It’s been a joy having you on our team (Almond Joy)
  • You’ve been our rock (rock candy)
  • We’re bursting to tell you how much we appreciate you (Starburst)
  • Just wanted to give you a little encouragemint (mints)

I know, some are better than others. Take your pick, and then add your other ideas for sweet ways to do staff appreciate in the comments below.

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