The top 10 books that will change your life this year

2017 has been an exciting year for my career. I’ve read many books about women in leadership and career self help. I’ve enjoyed these books because they encourage me to find personal and professional balance in my life, but more importantly because I’m interested in what these (mostly women) authors are doing to the public discourse around how to get things done, how to move to the top, and how to tap into work that is meaningful to you.

I’ve read more books than those listed here, but I’m only sharing the ones that really made an impact on me, as I believe they'll make an impact on you. Here we go, the 10 books that will change your life this year are:

1. Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World by J. Kelly Hoey

This book has completely transformed the way I approach networking. It kicked my butt into shape as I learned how and why to invest time in building real relationships with people who—I think—are doing interesting things in the world.

2. Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less by Tiffany Dufu

This book was hard to put down—part memoir, part guide to living your best life inclusive of your professional and family roles. The goal is no longer “having it all” but having what’s most important and letting the rest go.

3. The Confidence Code: The Science And Art Of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman

This book helped me negotiate for the first time in my career. After reading it I felt not only ready to negotiate, but that it was my responsibility as a woman interested in changing the status quo about assertiveness at work.

4. The Big Thing: How to Complete Your Creative Project Even if You're a Lazy, Self-Doubting Procrastinator Like Me by Phyllis Korkki

This book helped me identify myself as one those people who has a big thing to do, or as I’ve learned throughout the year, many big things to do. It’s given me permission to give space and time for projects that are rewarding to me, without knowing the outcomes of them.

5. One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance At Work With Mindfulness by Rasmus Hougaard

This book provided a new way of thinking about mindfulness as a practice that can benefit not just individuals, but whole teams and companies. The practical tips are ones that I still use today to make sure I find time for mindfulness in my busy life.

6. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

This book helped me think about my creativity as a genius that visits when she can, and deserves a forgiving and nourishing relationship with me. And if you’ve read any of Gilbert’s books, this book gives you insights into her process which is a fascinating and inspiring one.

7. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

This book pushed me to think about risk taking in new ways. On the brink of a career transition, it helped me navigate that shift with purpose and confidence.

8. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath & Dan Heath

This book taught me valuable ways to approach macro level problems (hunger, AIDS, etc.) by replicating “bright spots” where change has happened and outcomes are improving.

9. Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor: The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

This book taught me what a professional sponsor is. Turns out that I had one at my last job and I didn’t even know it. This book helped me recognize that relationship and see a deeper value in it.

10. The Well Spoken Woman: Your Guide to Looking and Sounding Your Best by Chris Jahnke

This book gave me very specific tips about how to present and project myself when speaking publicly. 

What are you waiting for? Go get these books! Then share your best career reads below in the comments.

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