2017 has been an exciting year for my career. I’ve read many books about women in leadership and career self help.
All in Modeling leadership
2017 has been an exciting year for my career. I’ve read many books about women in leadership and career self help.
A few weeks ago I wrote about the time women and others who are easily harassed in the workplace waste after encountering sexual harassment.
Influencers are people who, in a group, have the ability to control and shape messaging, and change the opinions of others.
When you are given a role, typically assigned by your title and rank in an organizational chart, it is important that you live that role for the entirety of your tenure.
There are 2 types of power in a company: position power and influence power.
People who talk about being busy, aren’t really busy. If they were so busy, they certainly wouldn’t find time to talk about it.
In the last post, I explained that delegating is so important because leaders are paid for their leadership, not for their ability to do their employees’ tasks.
Leadership roles can be tricky to navigate. The higher you move up, the more delegating becomes very important.
Whether you’re in sales and a customer wants a discount, or you’re a teacher and a student is breaking a rule, conflict arises in the work place all the time.
When you are in a meeting or a lecture, and the floor is yours to speak, starting your sentence with, “Sorry, but I was just wondering…” or “Sorry, but I just wanted to say…” is so problematic!
Have you ever worked with someone who is reactive?
Everyone makes mistakes. You submit a report with an outdated budget.
Feedback is a gift. My mentor taught me that, and I believe it is one of the best lessons I’ve learned as a manager.